Celebrating Audrey Eschright's Promotion to Director of Engineering at OpenContext

Today’s great news is that Audrey Eschright is now our Director of Engineering!!!

Celebrating Audrey Eschright's Promotion to Director of Engineering at OpenContext

One of the things I love most about my job is that I often get to be the one who shares when great things happen at OpenContext. It’s a simple joy, but it makes me so happy. Today’s great news is that Audrey Eschright is now our Director of Engineering!!!

When we set out on this journey together, we decided on several core principles that we really wanted to apply to how we’d build our teams. One of those principles was to build the company that we ourselves as engineers would thrive in. Along the way, we realized that the leader we wanted was actually the leader we had. Audrey has been leading since the moment they got here and paving the way for an incredible engineering organization. Here is a great chance to make it official.

In their new role, Audrey will not only plan and oversee growth of our engineering teams, but will be spending time evangelizing our mission of shared context and representing the company in public. We’re an engineering focused company, built by engineers, for engineers and there is nobody better for this role that Audrey.

I’m beyond confident, through their leadership, we will be the company we want to be. This is a huge milestone for us, and it’s a happy day. 

Please join me in celebrating the awesomeness that is Audrey.


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